13 Ghosts Wiki

Elaine was Dr. Plato Zorba's servant before his death.


Elaine was Dr. Plato Zorba's servant at his house, and was aware of his experiments with the supernatural. However, when Dr. Zorba began converting the stocks and real estate into money, Elaine was disgusted. One morning, Elaine entered Dr. Zorba's room to find him suffocated in his bed. She blamed the eleven violent ghosts inhabiting the house for Dr. Zorba's death, and began to fear them without Dr. Zorba to control them.

13 Ghosts

When Dr. Zorba's nephew Cyrus and his family inherit the estate mansion, Elaine tries to warn them about the ghosts and get them to leave. She also tells the son of the family, Buck, about the various ghosts such as Emilio. Eventually, Elaine convinces the family to have a seance with her, during which Dr. Zorba's ghost possesses Cyrus. Through Cyrus, Dr. Zorba tries to warn the others that he and the other eleven ghosts need a thirteenth ghost to move on, and that one of them will come close to dying that night.

The day after Ben Rush is killed trying to silence Buck from revealing the house's hidden treasure, Buck talks to Elaine. Elaine assures him that when Ben died and became the thirteenth ghost, the ghosts moved on. However, Elaine also predicts that the ghosts will return one day.


  • According to Buck, Elaine was a witch, though this was never confirmed in the film. However, it was hinted, as at the end, Elaine took a broomstick with her when she left (possibly to fly on).